Clips Overview
Swell AI has the capability of creating clips from your uploaded podcast. These clips are generated once you upload your video podcast and can be downloaded to be posted on your social media accounts. Swell's Clip Section consists of 2 tabs: Automatic Clips: These are pre-generated clips once you upload your video to Swell. The AI is trained on your podcast to identify the most impactful parts on your podcast and will turn them into clips. MSome readersHow to Create a Clip
Swell has the capability of creating clips through your Transcript. This article will show you how to create a clip manually on Swell: Step 1: Go to your Transcript page. Step 2: Highlight the line or parts that you want to turn into a clip on your Transcript. Step 3: Once the line is highlighted in purple, click the “Clip” button that appears. ( readersHow to Export a Clip on Swell
Here's how you can export your Automatic or Manual Clips on Swell: Step 1: head to your "Clips" tab on your project. Step 2: On your Clips tab, select a clip by ticking the box on the left next to the clip. It should be checked. Step 3: Click the "Download () clips as a .zip" buttonFew readers